NANFA Mailing List Archive Index
Welcome to the archive of the North American Native Fishes Association Mailing List! The NANFA list had
its humble beginnings in 1996 due to the efforts of Norm Edelen and Dan
Logan. The list was
for a time kindly hosted via Richard Sexton who runs the aquaria.net
domain and several other fish and aquarium related lists. The list was later managed by Frank O'Carroll. As of July 2004
it has been hosted under the nanfa.org domain.
This archive contains individual posts from August 1999 through August 2006
(although there are many missing posts prior to December 2000). These
messages are currently saved and maintained on this website.
Rainbow darter, Etheostoma caeruleum © William F. Roston
If you wish to search these archives please add your search term(s) to
the following. Keep the +NANFA-- as this primarily restricts the search
to only the NANFA mailing list archive (for the most part).
These archives are maintained by