Featured Native Fish Information Resources
Splendid darter, Etheostoma barrenense © William Roston
The NANFA Riparian Zone webpage
Riparian comes
from the Latin word ripa, which means bank. Riparian zones are areas of
transition between aquatic and upland ecosystems, and they offer numerous, yet often
overlooked, benefits to wildlife and people. Although
riparian zones comprise a small proportion of the total landscape, they are among
the most diverse biological systems on earth. As our
population increases, there will be increased pressures to use riparian areas for a
variety of commercial and recreational purposes. It is vital that we all become
involved in the conservation and restoration of these areas.
The Nature Conservancy Natureserve Explorer
A source for authoritative conservation information on more than 50,000
plants, animals and ecological communities of the United States and
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Management Offices - State, Territorial, and Tribal Wildlife Agency Web Pages
Native Fish Links
There are so many web sites with useful information that it is impossible to list them
all. Here are a few recommended starting points. Most have links to other sites.
But first, a big NANFA "Thanks!" goes to Joseph Tomelleri. Through his exquisite
artwork, Mr. Tomelleri has drawn the world's attention to the beauty of the native fishes
of North America. We are proud to have him as a NANFA member and friend, and we ask that you
visit his
americanfishes.com website, where you can view
and purchase his artwork. This is not a paid advertisement, and NANFA does not
receive any money from these sales. We just want to say "Thanks!"

Barewalls.com provides over 17,000 image results for "Freshwater Fish" out of the hundreds of thousands of fish pictures in their database. Barewalls' vast collection contains artwork that can be poster/print size and offer photography as well.
BareWalls Posters and Prints
Information on North American Fishes and Aquatic Ecology
- Conservation Fisheries, Inc. (CFI)
CFI is a tax exempt, non-profit organization dedicated to the preservation of
aquatic biodiversity. They propagate rare fishes with the goal of restoring
populations that have been eliminated because of pollution or habitat destruction, and
they also produce fishes for use in refining water quality standards.
- Native Fish Conservancy
Native Fish Conservancy was formed to operate as a non partisan, nonprofit tax-exempt
organization for the advancement of educational and scientific programs and initiatives.
- The National Fish and Wildlife Foundation
The National Fish and Wildlife Foundation conserves healthy populations of fish, wildlife and plants, on
land and in the sea, through creative and respectful partnerships, sustainable solutions,
and better education. The Foundation meets these goals by awarding challenge grants to
projects benefitting conservation education, habitat protection and restoration, and
natural resource management.
- The Great Lakes Information Network
The Great Lakes Information Network,
or GLIN, is a partnership that provides one place online for people to find
information relating to the binational Great Lakes region. Thanks to its strong network of
state, provincial, federal and regional partner agencies and organizations, GLIN has
become a necessary component of informed decisionmaking, and a trusted and reliable source
of information for those who live, work or have an interest in the Great Lakes region.
- The Upper Colorado River Endangered Fish Recovery Program
The Upper Colorado River Endangered Fish Recovery Programis a partnership of public and private
organizations aimed at recovering endangered fish while also allowing for future water
development. The upper Colorado River basin, which is composed of the
Colorado River and its tributaries upstream of Lake Powell, is home to 14 native fish
species, four of which are now endangered - the Colorado squawfish, razorback sucker, bonytail and humpback
- American Rivers
Celebrating over 26 years of bringing rivers to life, American
Rivers is North America's leading national river-conservation organization.
Their mission is to protect and restore America's river systems and to foster a river
stewardship ethic.
- Earthwave Society
Earthwave Society's primary mission is to provide information and education via television and educational videos to
people around the world regarding biodiversity, sound conservation practices, and prudent
utilization of our natural resources in order to insure healthy fish and wildlife
populations in a healthy, thriving environment.
- Fishes of Wisconsin
The entire text of George C. Becker's classic Fishes of Wisconsin is online!
- National Wetlands Research Center
National Wetlands Research Center,
whose mission is to develop and disseminate scientific information needed for
understanding the ecology and values of our nation's wetlands and for managing and
restoring wetland habitats and associated plant and animal communities.
- The Natural History Museum
Online access to The Natural History Museum, London.
- Our Living Resources: A Report to
the Nation on the Distribution, Abundance, and Health of U.S. Plants, Animals, and
- American Fisheries Society
The American Fisheries Society is the world’s oldest and largest organization dedicated to strengthening the fisheries profession, advancing fisheries science, and conserving fisheries resources.
- Southeastern Fishes Council
The Southeastern Fishes Council (SFC) is a nonprofit scientific organization dedicated to the study and conservation of freshwater and coastal fishes of the southeastern United States.
Other Valuable Sites and Organizations
Aquarium Resources
Aquatic Invertebrates
"The plight of freshwater mussels is a prime example
of the decline of aquatic habitats and the species that inhabit them. "
Kevin Cummings and Christine Mayer, Illinois Natural History Survey,
Decline of Freshwater Mussels in Illinois
Photo © M.C. Barnhart; used with permission
Introduced Species
Southwest United States Fishes

Devils Hole, NV. Photo by Tom Webster
A Few Other Native Fish Pages
Some Regional Fish Lists and Information