Rock Creek
Our next
site took us on a 30 minute drive to Ashtabula County, Ohio's small
village of Rock Creek. Rock Creek, a tributary of the Grand River and
part of the lake Erie Drainage, is where we explored the main stem of
the river the town was named for: Rock Creek! If you are familiar with
famous crimes or TV's Unsolved Mysteries series, this place is
a small rural farming community, infamous for what I believe was an
early 1970's slaying of a law enforcement officer by an accused bunch
of local roughnecks. I don't know if the mystery of what happened to
this officer was unraveled, but I do know the creek that runs through
the town has a very diverse assembly of fishes including a pleasant
surprise find today of a lamprey. Lamprey are one of the native fishes
that have been swimming around since before the dinosaurs! It has changed
very little since that time, millions of years ago!
Native lamprey
An interesting role lamprey play in the underwater
environment here, is preying off of sick and dying fishes. Although
it sounds brutal, this has its advantages! By doing this the lamprey
help to keep the overall fish population strong and healthy, by "removing"
those which may spread disease to others! They literally attach themselves
to the weaker fish with their jawless and sucker-like mouth, and suck
fluids from their prey, eventually killing them! I guess you can call
them the "DRACULAS" of the creek!
"These fish", as
Nick Zarlinga pointed out, are altogether so different
from all other fishes." As Nick demonstrated, the fish is
actually jawless! He also pointed out that it most notably resembles
an eel and slithers along the bottom of the stream like a snake
searching for food! Certain native lamprey species are endangered
in Ohio, and are excellent indicators of batter water quality.
Like most fishes which are either threatened or endangered, loss
of habitat and poor water quality contribute to their declining
Nick Zarlinga describes lamprey species |
Rock Creek not only houses a diverse population
of fishes, it is also a very picturesque river. Tall and graceful sycamore
trees, reminiscent of old Ohio riverside forests, line the banks, along
with thick growths of various riverbank sedge grasses. The geology is
equally fascinating. Glacial artwork is clearly evident near and in
Rock Creek, with glacial moraines and what I describe as shale shelf
" waterfalls in the stream! It's also a birdwatcher's best kept
secret! I witnesseda live Baltimore oriole for the first time! It was
bright orange and dark black. Who could miss it bouncing around from
tree limb to limb. Ok, I'm getting carried away on other subjects of
nature, which at Rock Creek is so easy to do. I guess that's just a
part of native fish observation outings. One can't help but take in
all the natural scenery at streams . . . even if you came just to look
at the fish! HA!
After repeating my chore of keeping track of what
species of fishes we found to find at Rock Creek, I sat down along
the bank and simply enjoyed participants who waded through quite a
distance of the river. Among other beautiful fish we netted this day
at Rock Creek were deep and brilliantly colored rainbow darters (the
name says it all!), logperch darters, which seemed to display the
ripening colors of a banana, and another special guest star among
an all star cast of fish--the spotted sucker! This fish keeps the
bottom of streams swept clean!
As the day approached early afternoon, and after
finishing my rest along the bank, I called everyone back to take a complete
count of what we gathered. We totaled 24 species at Rock Creek! Not
bad for an hour and a half of getting wet! We took a break to eat our
sack lunches, gathered our gear, loaded the vehicles, and made way to
what would be the last site of the day, at least for me! This site would
be Stratton Creek. The drive would take us to the south east, about
a 30 minute drive away.
Stratton Creek 

by Jonah's Aquarium
Native Fishes delivered to your door
Home of the Perfect Dipnet
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