Photographer Bruce Stallsmith
Click on the small image to display a larger one.
During a talk on Friday: Rob Zarlinga, Roger Thoma, Harry Knaub (l-r)
Rob Carillio showing his WaterShed to convention participants. L-r:
unknown, Casper Cox, Rob Carillio, John Bondhus.
Collecting trip to a creek in the State Forest adjoining the Hocking Hills state
park on Saturday. Foreground: Rob Carillio talking to Roger Thoma. Bob Mueller's bowed
head is in the middle, and his daughter is at the left (I forget her name!).
Nick Zarlinga at the State Forest creek collecting trip on Saturday.
At the banquet Saturday night: Stephanie Brough in motion, with Mark Otnes to her
right in the background and Chris Scharpf behind her. Boot unknown (Pat Johnson from
A location shot of the bridge sign announcing Big Darby Creek, where we did
the convention's final trip on Sunday.
Sandstone bluff along Queer Creek in Hocking Hills State Park where a collecting
trip lead by Ranger Pat Quackenbush went on Saturday morning, August 25. This kind
of sandstone is called blackhand because the local Indians used to mark their territory by
painting large black hands on prominent bluff faces. I also scanned this one
at way-high resolution because I might use the image myself for another purpose
Click HERE for a high res shot of this beautiful photo